

Saturday 11 December 2010

Finally, winter is here. It may be a light snow, but we woke up today and there was snow all over the Northern suburbs. And it's freezing cold, temperature is just above 0 degrees! And what a difference from two days ago, when we had 20 degrees...

5 σχόλια:

  1. Yes, a change in temperature is always a bit startling. Light snow? We just got a REAL winter snowfall. No-one is astir yet, and it is beautiful...untouched and pristine.

  2. I woke up this morning and we have 10 inches of snow!
    Fun to see the Christmas trees on your street photo, too!

  3. The first time I ever went to Athens, winter 91-92, the whole town was blocked under 60 cm of snow. I went from a train station (don't remember the name, trains coming from Patras) to Omonia Square by taxi, and the guy asked for 2000 drachma (instead of the normal price of 600), 'because of the snow, my friend', he said.

  4. Unfortunately, it's a fact that Greek taxi drivers are common thieves, if not all of them, the vast majority.
    I remember the '91 winter, it was the most snow in Athens for many many years and the city was paralyzed!
